Hi! Christmas Smurf here. You're probably wondering what this is all about. So let me tell you. Advent of digIT is a custom leaderboard for Advent of Code. That didn't help very much, did it?
Let me tell you about Advent of Code. It is an Advent calender containing a programming puzzle for each day of December until Christmas Day. How fun!
Now how does Advent of digIT come into the picture? Well, AoC has leaderboards but the existing once simply aren't fun! Aod has multiple different leaderboards. If you don't feel like waking up early you might place better on the splits leaderboard.
How do I get started?
I'm glad you asked! If you want to participate in Aod you must first create an account on AoC. When you've done that you can log in to Aod with your Gamma account and link the two accounts.